I'm afraid the city scares me
I’m afraid they will take out my child’s eyes and replace them with their own. I am afraid that my self may stop coming to me. I’m afraid there may be a realness epidemic sweeping their streets and I could be infected. I’m afraid there may be snitches who will snitch out all my style. I’m afraid there could be pretty girls with dazzling eyes and inconsistent tendencies who will surprise and excite me but make me realize later on they only love themselves – Or worse spoil things by telling me love doesn’t really exist at all. I’m afraid of losing dream reason. I’m afraid sex will be sex, and I’ll start drinking coffee, and people will have routines and will stick to them. I’m afraid that the bustle will make my teeth cringe and help me to die. I’m afraid that the buildings will constantly fall on top of me. I’m afraid I’ll feel trapped in the critic’s company.
I’m afraid the people might be real enough – to be fake.